Solvent Production Technologies from Vehicle Tires

Products Obtained From Vehicle Tires

% 15 Steel
Scrap steels are sent to steel recycling facilities without any post-processing.

% 33 Carbon
Low quality carbon is obtained and its usage areas are incineration plants and its use is limited.

% 40 Pyrolytic oil
It is a petroleum derivative product. It is dark brown in color and has a pungent odor, and must be subjected to second processing in order to turn it into valuable products.


In traditional processes, waste tires are loaded into the rotary drum reactor as a whole and heated to obtain pyrolytic oil, after which the reactor cover is opened and the scrap wires and carbon black are taken from the reactor. However, these processes have proven to be inappropriate both in terms of pyrolytic oil quality and yield, and also in terms of occupational safety, etc. These traditional processes have been replaced by more advanced technological processes.

The pyrolysis process is defined as the breakdown of rubber in an oxygen-free environment when applied to tires. Vehicle tires that have completed their life are loaded in the pyrolysis reactor for processing after several series of processes (breaking, wire separator, etc.). This process varies according to the plant process. Apart from pre-treating the tires and loading them into the reactor, there are also different processes where the tires are loaded into the reactor as a whole.

It is much more complex than C 5 - C 20, which includes many aliphatic and aromatic compounds of the pyrolytic liquid. Aromatic compounds are only single-ring alkyl aromatics. TGA distillation test results showed that more than 30% of such oils were easily purified at boiling points between 70°C and 210°C. Typical boiling rate for diesel oil is 190 -370 °C. At 190 - 370 °C, the pyrolytic oil values make up approximately 60% of the total oil. Diesel fuels, on the other hand, include a range of hydrocarbons from C 10 to 19, consisting of 64% aliphatic hydrocarbons, 35% aromatic hydrocarbons and olefinic hydrocarbons. The rubber oil obtained from the pyrolysis reactor cannot be used directly as an alternative to diesel fuel, but after a series of processes such as filtration, centrifugation and desulphurization (desulfurization), it can be mixed with diesel fuels or used directly.

The pyrolytic oil is subjected to a second process, separated into its fractions, and the recycling of end-of-life vehicle tires is completed.